We need an interactive way to express gratitude to people who have helped shape your life.
We teamed up with Nexus Interactive Arts (NIA) and agency Mullen on behalf of American Greetings Corporation, a leading greeting card company and manufacturer of innovative social expression products, to create the ThankList; a digital experience that encourages everyone to start practicing gratitude by writing their own ThankList. All messages of thanks are aggregated into a collective, never-ending ThankList. To write your own ThankList and learn more about this movement encouraging gratitude, visit

An interactive world made from messages of thanks.
At the heart of the experience, we created an elegant particle-based film that can be seamlessly customised to thank up to four people and shared via Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. In addition to the customised thank you notes embedded in the film, users are also able to input their own photo to be rendered in particles as part of the big reveal at the end.
A step toward creating a world that's just a little bit nicer.
Thousands of Thanklist-cards were created and delivered which also fed into an interactive message cloud for the world to peruse which updated in realtime as cards were created and sent.
We wanted to combine pre-rendered environments with realtime messages to maintain a cohesive and consistent story, while allowing the user to control the narrative.

American Greetings©2015