The D&AD awards represent the pinnacle of creativity and design, how can we represent this using the brand itself?
We brought the D&AD Award Pencil to life within several animated stings for the 2014 call for entries. Each awards category is represented within hidden animated worlds, inside the D&AD Yellow Pencil Award. Each world is built from past winners of the award from each category, all brought to life in playful animation in a miniature model scale.

We designed iconic moments in design and advertisings past, within the wooden D&AD pencils.
Once the pencil magically opens up, everything within was designed to look like it was carved out of wood. The challenge was to represent some of these iconic designs and adverts in a caricatured and simplified way

An intense few seconds of animation representing the advertising elite. How many could you spot?
The animation proceeds and follows an “I wish I’d done that” interview of acclaimed design or advertising ambassadors as they talk through an example of a stand-out piece, that “they wish they had done”.
It was really fun to see how many iconic moments we could fit into such a small space and time; literally!

D&AD / Weiden & Kennedy©2013